  6:00 P.M.

Call to Order

Mayor Evans called the Work Session of March 27, 2018, to order at 6:00 p.m.

Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the City Council and to the general public that, at this work session, the City Council may vote to go into executive session, which will not be open to the public, for legal advice and discussion with the City’s attorneys for legal advice on any item listed on the following agenda, pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(3).
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Mission Statement

Mayor Evans led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance and Councilmember Overton read the Mission Statement of the City of Flagstaff.
The mission of the City of Flagstaff is to protect and enhance the quality of life for all.
3. Roll Call
NOTE: One or more Councilmembers may be in attendance telephonically or by other technological means.



   Others present: City Manager Barbara Goodrich and City Attorney Sterling Solomon.
4. Public Participation

Public Participation enables the public to address the council about items that are not on the prepared agenda. Public Participation appears on the agenda twice, at the beginning and at the end of the work session. You may speak at one or the other, but not both. Anyone wishing to comment at the meeting is asked to fill out a speaker card and submit it to the recording clerk. When the item comes up on the agenda, your name will be called. You may address the Council up to three times throughout the meeting, including comments made during Public Participation. Please limit your remarks to three minutes per item to allow everyone to have an opportunity to speak. At the discretion of the Chair, ten or more persons present at the meeting and wishing to speak may appoint a representative who may have no more than fifteen minutes to speak.
  The following individuals addressed the Council regarding the FOSPR petition, noting that they have brought back a revised petition.

•Jack Welch
•Dr. Chuch Hammersley
•Rose Houk
•Jan Blackman
•Andy Fernandez

Comments received included:

•Asks that the Council reconsider the petition; it is important

Mr. Solomon noted that it was on the agenda for next week.

Comments continued:

•They have been working hard over the last year, over 96 hours of meetings with the community
•They started with 18 projects totally $82 million, and have vetted it down to 16 projects at $52 million
•The intent has always been a collaboration between the City, Parks and Recreation and the community
•They are now down to 6 projects at $45 million including maintenance costs
•They also reduced it a year from 16 to 15 years
•It is all about the real estate; supports Councilmembers Barotz and Putzova
Review of Draft Agenda for the April 3, 2018, City Council Meeting.

6. Discussion/Direction: Current Issues Before Arizona Legislature and Federal Issues.
  Mr. Blaschke reviewed the issues before the Legislature, reviewing some of the current bills of interest:

Veterans Home - They heard that the President signed the budget so there should be enough funding for all of those on the priority list. Flagstaff was ranked 41 and Yuma was one behind them. They are now waiting to hear from Washington DC about the award letter. 

Mayor Evans reported that she got a call from Victor Daniels with the Arizona Department of Veteran Affairs and he mentioned that the VA is in the process of finalizing some of their design work and should have that done within the next 4-5 months, and then they will have the public participation process. She said that one thing he mentioned was that it was not cost effective to do a 60-bed home. They are now looking at 80-100 beds.

Mr. Blaschke said that staff is still working on the letter re the Hopi-Navajo Land Settlement.

He reported that the City did not win the Tiger Grant for the Fourth Street project; only Nogales won a grant in Arizona.

Mr. Blaschke said that during their lobbying trip they met with the Director of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. He is putting in his budget requests this year and staff is working on those details with him, which is great news. He said that the Director would come to Flagstaff and talk with the Council and community stakeholders.

He reported that next week there is a tentative roundtable scheduled by Congressman O'Halleran to discuss uranium mining.

Councilmember Putzova said that there is going to be a citizenship question on the 2020 census and the Conference of Mayors, of which the City is a member, wrote a letter to the Department of Commerce arguing that the question discourages immigrants from participating in the census. She asked what Flagstaff is doing about it. California is suing over the question and she asked what Flagstaff's role as a City is to ensure that all people are properly counted.

Ms. Goodrich said that she was not aware of the issue. The City has been working with Coconino County on the 2020 Census. She said that they were going to have a presentation at the Joint Meeting on May 22. Councilmember Putzova said that this clearly got missed. The City is a member of a national organization and she asked how they can make sure the City has a national voice.

Mayor Evans said that was not something she was paying attention to. In 2010 this was an issue of people not being counted; it was right after SB1070 passed and a lot of people chose not to be counted because they were terrified. She said that it is interesting that there were numerous mayors from across the country and the feds still included the question. She said that it should be added to their federal legislative packet and they should be fighting against it.

Councilmember McCarthy said that if California is suing on the issue, it may make sense for Flagstaff to file an amicus brief. A majority of Council directed staff to look into this further.

Michael  Ferloino, Aspen Deli, said that because of the kickback seen in Washington they got rid of the question on the general census, but they put it on the extended version.
7. Consideration and possible revision regarding the authority to enter into Reclaimed Water Agreements
  Water Services Director Brad Hill recognized Steve Camp, Regulatory Compliance Manager, whose program administers the agreements.
He briefly reviewed the PowerPoint which addressed:

Discussion and possible revision
F.A.I.R. of Councilmember Putzova
Ordinance 2002-07 adopted 2002 in response to change in state law in February 2001
Changed Reclaimed Wastewater to Reclaimed Water
Created three new types of reclaimed agreements and established their rates
     Reclaimed Water
     Conversion Agreement
     Reimbursement Agreement

Law changed in 2001; prior to that they were tied to a Aquifer Protect Permit which was renewed every five years
Cities were required to have a legally enforceable agreement with the customer and then submit it to ADEQ
ADEQ was responsible for compliance with each customer

After 2001, it created five classes of water and was no longer tied to Aquifer Protection Permit
Created Type 3 General Permit to be held by City; no longer submitted to ADEQ
Required cities to take on enforcement of customers' compliance with state laws

Discussion was held on the process today. Mr. Hill said that he sent out a blast to his contacts around the state. Gilbert and Peoria have a reclaimed water system like Flagstaff does; a loop with a bunch of customers. Scottsdale has a contract to deliver to a bunch of golf courses that they paid into. They are not quite like the rest of the cities. All of them have financial implications and they go through the Council. He said that in Gilbert they took the reclaimed water agreement template to the Council for approval and then the Public Works Director approves them. With Peoria, the Council approved the agreement template and then the Utility Director has authority to do so.

Mr. Hill said that the City has 72 Reclaimed Water Agreements and 38 customers. Mr. Hill said that any agreements outside the City limits come to the Council by Code. It goes to the Water Commission and then to Council, but that is only for the initial agreement; not the renewal.

Councilmember Putzova said that she would like to propose that all of the agreements come back before Council for approval.

Councilmember Overton said that they have agreements with templates and it is important that they continue. He has no interest in reviewing the Reclaimed Water Agreements. As long as they set good policy and the rate structure he was fine with the current process. He did agree that the out of City agreements should come before Council.

Councilmember McCarthy said that there are certain Reclaimed Water Agreements for out of the City limits of extreme interest to the public and he believed that both the initial agreement and renewals of those agreements should come back to the Council.

Councilmember Odegaard said that he was not interested in looking at this issue. When a new out-of-city customer comes forward, they come to the Council at that time. A new Council may want to do it different. He thought that they had competent staff to look at their agreements; he was fine with where it is today.

Councilmember McCarthy said that the one thing he would like to bring up is that conditions change. It was not long ago that reclaimed water was considered trash. Then it came to using it on golf courses. He believes that with the evolution of the reclaimed water they need new public input.

After further discussion, a majority of Council agreed to bring this issue back to a future agenda for discussion of all reclaimed water agreements.
8. Discussion of a Listening Tour with the Business Community
  Community Investment Director David McIntire said that this had come forward from a previous F.A.I.R. He said that staff has been providing Council with quarterly updates. Additionally, they have business organization Meet and Greets, local First of Arizona monthly mixers, the Chamber has ribbon cuttings and the Sharkes in Space, Moonshot Mondays, business open houses from NACET.

He said that they have provided Council business tours of Joy Cone and Swire and previously presented updates on August 29, November 28, 2017 and February 27, 2018.

Mayor Evans said that she had in mind using the 4th Tuesday in the 5 Tuesday months to go out into the community and speak with the businesses. Majority of Council agreed to move this forward.

A break was held from 7:23 p.m. to 7:32 p.m.
9. Street Lighting to Enhance Dark Skies (SLEDS) Status Update
  Traffic Engineer Jeff Bauman gave a PowerPoint presentation which addressed:

Completed Tasks
In Progress
Next Steps

Mr. Bauman noted that they have been advertising the testing of new equipment in different parts of the City. Councilmember Overton said that he was glad to see them testing in different areas.
10. Review of Recommendations from the Citizens’ Transportation Tax Commission
  City Manager Barbara Goodrich began the presentation noting that they would first hear from FMPO Manager Dave Wessel, then from Chairman of the Citizens Transportation Tax Commission (CTTC) Nick Kraft and, unfortunately, Alan Maguire was unable to join them this evening.


05/30/2017 - Discussed possible direction
07/05/2017 - Adopted Ordinance 2017-25 forming the CTTC
09/05/2017 - CTTC members were selected


Dave Wessel then continued the presentation:

Prop 400 - Safe to School
Prop 401A/B - Fourth Street Railroad Overpass and Bond
Prop 402 - Transit Service Enhancements
Prop 403 - Traffic Flow and Safety Program, Roads, Intersections, Signal Synchronization

1 - 8 meetings
$900 million in projects identified, cut to $400 million
Felt obliged to Council to propose $158 million keeping the existing tax rate

Chairman Nick Kraft then continued the presentation.

Councilmember Barotz asked Mr. Kraft what the mission of the commission was that was expressed to them at the first meeting. Mr. Blaschke said that they started with review of the resolution that the Council passed as the foundation, to bring recommendations to the Council on transportation project priorities and alternatives.

Mr. Kraft recognized staff and members of the Commission, thanking all of them for the amount of work put in. He said that the Commission took public testimony, heard from Sustainability, Transportation Commission, several private groups and individuals, expert testimony, etc. They deliberated about the future of transportation needs and considered hundreds of individual project segments.

After that, while being mindful of the resolution from the Council, the commission was recommending two options:

Proposal A
Proposal B

He said that they considered bonding which would allow projects to be expedited, but they decided against it because of the additional costs. In addressing congestion, Milton is a state route and ADOT is currently in the midst of a study; therefore, the Commission focused on other ways to relieve congestion.

Discussion was then held on various proposed projects and possible funding.

The following individuals then addressed the Council:

•Jeff Goulden
•Mark Haughwout
•Brian Petersen
•John Koltenstein
•Dara Marks Marino
•Rick Moore
•Emma McVeigh

Comments received included:

•Just moved to Flagstaff 1 1/2 years ago and is active with hiking, biking, trails, etc.
•While FUTS goes a long way toward addressing the needs of trails, there is much more to be done
•Asking Council to increase the amount of funding for bike and pedestrian improvements
•The proposed amount of funding is only 93% of the pedestrian/bike plans for the next five years, and provides nothing after that
•Field of Dreams - if they put more money into roads, they will attract more cars and more congestion
•Less cars - more bikers and walkers
•Here as a member of the Bicycle Advisory Committee who had submitted a letter
•Sustainability Commission member, highly supportive of the tax; however, they would encourage Council to reconsider - Option C - stay away from making a decision a start a new process that encompasses sustainability from the start
•The CTTC did not have enough of a conversation about evidence from other cities
•There has to be a certain level of density for a bus system to work

Discussion was held on the issue of density. It was noted that the Regional Plan addresses the need for density, but then projects are proposed with density that everyone opposes. It was noted that there are different types of density; it does not all have to be monolithic structures.

Further discussion was held on the comments being presented by the members of the Sustainability Commission and the suggestion that a decision be postponed.

Comments continued that included:

•They had 15 people invest their lives in the commission and they have concrete suggestions
•The issue of housing was not involved; this is being done in a silo
•Should have a much greater focus on providing more non-motarized transportation options
•Believes that the process was flawed in the sense that they did not have clearly laid out objectives from the beginning on how Flagstaff is going to deal with climate change

Mr. Wessel said, as a preface, that as they were meeting as staff with the former city manager and discussing the approach to the commission, the commission was not so much the conduit for public input, but 15 members from a cross section of the community. There were opportunities at the beginning of every meeting for public input. There was a limit put on the staff and Sustainability Commission; it was agreed that a letter would be written.

Mr. Kraft said that the climate change issue was not heavily emphasized in the process, but they did hear from a member of the Sustainability Commission as a public participant. He said that they had 15 members drawn from a wide variety of perspectives. Tonight they are hearing from one aspect, but the commission had other voices. They tried to take a balanced approach based on the consensus of the group.

Councilmember McCarthy said that the letter from the Sustainability Commission suggests that the Council "initiate a new commission", throwing out all the work the CTTC did and start over. He was wondering if there could be a middle ground to have the CTTC hold one or two more meetings.

Ms. Goodrich noted tht the Working Calendar has the calling of the election and ballot language scheduled by June 19. The original ordinance that established the CTTC had it end the end of March so there would have to be an amendment with first and second read, etc. to continue the commission.

Further discussion was held on whether to reconvene the CTTC. Councilmember Overton said that they do not have a lot of time. They should go back to the basis of how they arrived at their decisions. Every planning document was available; every professional staff member that drafted those documents over the last dozen years was available. He feels that they had a good cross section. There are always going to be conflicting values. He said that this was a transportation tax-specific renewal question. There are a lot of lenses to look at it through and it is short-sighted to say they did not take those things into account.

He said that at this hour and at this point, he is surprised by the amount of pushback by Council. He is ready to move forward; he appreciates the commission's work and appreciates the comments. Councilmember Odegaard agreed; the question has to be asked this year.

Councilmember Putzova said that she was not opposed to going back to the commission and reconvening, and adding what has been missing. It is important to structure the projects to incentivize increasing housing density, reducing greenhouse emissions and reducing congestion. Mr. Kraft said that is the Council's job to do after the CTTC gives their recommendation.

Mayor Evans thanked the members of the CTTC and apologized for the lack of clarity they were hearing tonight.

Vice Mayor Whelan thanked the CTTC members. She said that she watched the streaming and there was a broad discussion; bike and pedestrian was always part of the consideration by three ot four commission members at every meeting.

Discussion was held on the transit question and further logistics of getting the CTTC back together. In the end, it was agreed that staff would provide more information on April 10, having a conversation with housing.
11. Informational Items To/From Mayor, Council, and City Manager; future agenda item requests.
  Mayor Evans said that she had a meeting with a resident in University Heights who has been experiencing numerous problems with trash, parties, etc. and they are requesting assistance from the City. She said that staff is working on setting up a meeting with the NAU liaison, PD and ParkFlag.

Councilmember Odegaard said that there is also an issue with bikes going to wrong way on San Francisco and Beaver.

Mayor Evans reported that she would not be at the meeting next week as The National League of Cities and invited her to participate in a focus group on preemptions. She said that they invited 25 US mayors to discuss tools necessary to counter preemption at the state level. She said that Ms. Goodrich will be joining her and the trip is fully being paid for by the National League of Cities.

Ms. Goodrich reported that staff is planning the budget retreat, which will be held on a Tuesday/Wednesday, with no Regular Metering.

Councilmember Odegaard wished everyone a Happy Easter on Sunday.
12. Adjournment
   The Work Session of the Flagstaff City Council held March 27, 2018, adjourned at 10:16 p.m.



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			minutes.meeting_id = m.meeting_id AND
			(minutes.minutes_published = 'Y' OR minutes.minutes_packet_published = 'Y')
		INNER JOIN ag_template AS agt ON (agt.ag_template_id = m.template_id
		LEFT OUTER JOIN codes as rel ON (rel.code_type = 'AddlMtg' AND CAST(rel.valid_code AS INT) = m.meeting_id)
		LEFT OUTER JOIN form_links AS ag_links ON (
			ag_links.form_id  = 'AGENDA' AND
			ag_links.form_num = a.form_num AND
			ag_links.link_seq = 1
		LEFT OUTER JOIN form_links AS min_links ON (
			min_links.form_id  = 'MINUTES' AND
			min_links.form_num = minutes.form_num AND
			min_links.rev_num  = minutes.rev_num AND
			min_links.link_seq = 1
		WHERE m.meeting_dt >= ?

		  AND m.meeting_dt <= ?

		ORDER BY m.meeting_dt DESC, m.meeting_name
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_timestamp) = 2018-03-01 00:00:00.0
Parameter #2(cf_sql_timestamp) = 2018-03-31 00:00:00.0

codesFields (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\agenda\agenda_utilities.cfm @ 05:10:50.050
			select top 1 * from codes
checkMinutes (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:50.050
		SELECT TOP 1 * FROM minutes_ln_vote vote
getminutes (Datasource=frsRO, Time=78ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
SELECT fas.form_num fas_form_num, fas.action_cd fas_action_cd, fas.current_stop fas_current_stop, fas.routing_apprvl fas_routing_apprvl,
	   fas.final_apprvl fas_final_apprvl, fas.final_print fas_final_print, fas.fis_yr fas_fis_yr, fas.date_final, fas.final_prt_date,
	   ft.* ,
	   m.meeting_name, m.meeting_dt, m.meeting_fromthru_time, m.meeting_id, m.meeting_loc,
	   agt.ag_template_name, agt.ag_template_id,
	   codes.long_descr px_size, codes.descr pdf_format, 
	   mt.agmemo_prefix, mt.agmemo_desc, mt.meeting_type,
 	   agt.pdf_header, agt.pdf_footer, ct.descr vote_width, crt.descr roll_format, crt.long_descr roll_px_size,
	   am.long_descr vote_label, am.misc_alpha3 att_print_nametitle,
	   am.misc_alpha4 att_print_format, am.loc_code att_title_place, am.large_misc_alpha roll_title_place
FROM minutes ft
INNER JOIN fas ON (fas.form_id = 'MINUTES' AND fas.form_num = ft.form_num AND fas.rev_num = ft.rev_num)
INNER JOIN form_hist ON (UPPER(form_hist.form_id) = fas.form_id AND
			UPPER(form_hist.stat_action) = 'ADD' AND
			form_hist.form_num = fas.form_num)
INNER JOIN meetings AS m ON (m.meeting_id = ft.meeting_id)
LEFT OUTER JOIN ag_template AS agt ON (agt.ag_template_id = ft.ag_template_id)
LEFT OUTER JOIN meeting_type AS mt ON (mt.meeting_type = agt.meeting_type)
LEFT OUTER JOIN codes ON (codes.code_type = 'AG_FONT' and codes.valid_code = ft.text_size)
LEFT OUTER JOIN codes crt ON (crt.code_type = 'AG_FONT' and crt.valid_code = ft.roll_text_size)
LEFT OUTER JOIN codes cv ON (cv.code_type = 'AG_JUST' and cv.valid_code = ft.vote_disp_position)
LEFT OUTER JOIN codes cr ON (cr.code_type = 'AG_JUST' and cr.valid_code = ft.roll_disp_position)
LEFT OUTER JOIN codes ct ON (ct.code_type = 'VOTE_WIDTH' and ct.valid_code = ft.vote_disp_width)
LEFT OUTER JOIN codes am ON (am.code_type = 'MinAddl' and
	am.valid_code = CAST(ft.meeting_id as varchar))
LEFT OUTER JOIN codes amm ON (amm.code_type = 'AddlMtgMin' and
	amm.valid_code = CAST(ft.meeting_id as varchar))
WHERE ft.meeting_id = 692 
get_temp_vars (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\agenda\agenda_utilities.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
		SELECT 'Alpha','Alpha','Alpha','Alpha', min.ag_punct
		FROM meetings, minutes min
		WHERE meetings.meeting_id = ? AND
		      min.meeting_id = meetings.meeting_id
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 692

qCodes (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\min_print_utilities.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
			select c.misc_alpha mHead_pad, c.misc_alpha2 mBody_pad, c.misc_alpha3 mPresent_pad, c.misc_alpha4 mAbsent_pad,
				   c.misc_alpha5 mStaff_pad, c.misc_alpha6 mOthers_pad, c.misc_alpha7 mAGtext_pad,
				   c.misc_alpha8 mMintext_pad, c.misc_alpha9 mMotion_pad, c.misc_alpha10 mVote_pad,
				   c.misc_alpha11 mRollSection_pad
			from codes c
			where c.code_type = ? and
			     c.valid_code = CAST(692 as varchar)
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_varchar) = MinPad

getFonts (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=7) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
	SELECT valid_code, descr, long_descr from codes
	WHERE code_type = 'AG_FONT'
final_check (Datasource=frsRO, Time=16ms, Records=3) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
	SELECT _rowid
	FROM ss_ag_item
	WHERE ss_ag_item.form_num = 691 
getAllMnLines (Datasource=frsRO, Time=47ms, Records=14) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
SELECT ml._rowid ln_rowid, ml.ln_rowid ml_rowid, ml.form_num, ml.rev_num, ml.seq_num,
	   ml.ag_level1, ml.ag_level2, ml.ag_level3, ml.ag_level4, ml.header_ln, ml.footer_ln, ml.left_justify, ml.page_br,		
	   c.descr as status_desc,
	   CASE WHEN ml.header_ln = 'Y' THEN 1	
	   		WHEN ml.footer_ln = 'Y' THEN 3
	   		ELSE 2 END AS line_sort,
	   as1.sort_seq sort_level1,
	   CASE WHEN ml.ag_level2 != '' AND ml.ag_level2 != '0' THEN as2.sort_seq ELSE -1 END AS sort_level2,	
	   CASE WHEN ml.ag_level3 != '' AND ml.ag_level3 != '0' THEN as3.sort_seq ELSE -1 END AS sort_level3,
	   CASE WHEN ml.ag_level4 != '' AND ml.ag_level4 != '0' THEN as4.sort_seq ELSE -1 END AS sort_level4,	
	   CASE WHEN ml.ag_memo_id IS NOT NULL THEN ml.ag_memo_id ELSE -1 END AS sort_memo,
	   ml.ag_size, ml.ag_underline, ml.ag_bold, ml.ag_center, ml.ag_italic, ml.disp_level,
	   am.allow_comment, ml.ainumber min_ainumber, ml.ag_memo_id, ml.ag_memo_rev, ml.ag_subject, ml.ag_title ag_heading,
	   ml.header_ln, ml.footer_ln, ml.left_justify,		
	   CASE WHEN ml.ag_memo_id IS NOT NULL THEN am.ag_time ELSE ml.ag_time END as ag_time,
	   CASE WHEN ml.ag_memo_id IS NOT NULL THEN am.ag_title ELSE '' END as ag_title,
	   CASE WHEN ml.ag_memo_id IS NOT NULL THEN am.ag_action ELSE ml.ag_action END as ag_action
FROM minutes_ln ml
LEFT OUTER JOIN ag_memo AS am ON (am.form_num = ml.ag_memo_id AND am.rev_num = ml.ag_memo_rev)

LEFT OUTER JOIN ss_ag_item AS ai ON (ai.form_num = 691 AND ai._rowid = am.ag_item_rowid)

LEFT OUTER JOIN codes AS c ON (c.code_type = 'MIN STATUS' AND c.valid_code = ml.ag_line_status)
LEFT OUTER JOIN alpha_sort AS as1 ON (as1.alpha_value = ml.ag_level1 AND CAST(as1.alpha_value AS binary(8)) = CAST(ml.ag_level1 AS binary(8)))
LEFT OUTER JOIN alpha_sort AS as2 ON (as2.alpha_value = ml.ag_level2 AND CAST(as2.alpha_value AS binary(8)) = CAST(ml.ag_level2 AS binary(8)))
LEFT OUTER JOIN alpha_sort AS as3 ON (as3.alpha_value = ml.ag_level3 AND CAST(as3.alpha_value AS binary(8)) = CAST(ml.ag_level3 AS binary(8)))
LEFT OUTER JOIN alpha_sort AS as4 ON (as4.alpha_value = ml.ag_level4 AND CAST(as4.alpha_value AS binary(8)) = CAST(ml.ag_level4 AS binary(8)))
WHERE ml.form_num = 321 AND
	  ml.rev_num = 0
ORDER BY line_sort, sort_level1, sort_level2, sort_level3, sort_level4, min_ainumber, sort_memo
getMnLines (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=12) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
FROM getAllMnLines
WHERE getAllMnLines.header_ln = 'N' AND getAllMnLines.footer_ln = 'N'
ORDER BY line_sort, sort_level1, sort_level2, sort_level3, sort_level4, min_ainumber, sort_memo	
getHeader (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
	FROM getAllMnLines
	WHERE getAllMnLines.header_ln = 'Y'
	ORDER BY header_ln DESC, sort_level1, sort_level2, sort_level3, sort_level4
getFooter (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
	select * from getAllMnLines where footer_ln = 'Y'
	order by sort_level1, sort_level2, sort_level3, sort_level4
all_docs (Datasource=frsRO, Time=15ms, Records=9) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
	SELECT docs.sort_seq, docs.doc_name, docs.doc_link, docs.doc_dir,
			docs.confidentiality, docs.from_agenda,
				'Y' can_look, 'Y' can_link	
			ml.form_num, ml.rev_num, ml._rowid ml_rowid,
			min.minutes_published min_published,
			a.agenda_published ag_published
	FROM minutes min
	INNER JOIN minutes_ln AS ml ON (ml.form_num = min.form_num AND ml.rev_num = min.rev_num)
	INNER JOIN minutes_docs AS docs ON(docs.form_num = ml.form_num AND
		  							   docs.rev_num = ml.rev_num AND
		  							   docs.ln_rowid = ml._rowid
		  								AND (docs.confidentiality IS NULL OR docs.confidentiality = '')		
	LEFT OUTER JOIN agenda AS a ON (a.form_num = min.ag_form_num AND a.rev_num = min.ag_rev_num)
	WHERE min.form_num = 321 AND
		  min.rev_num = 0 
	  AND (docs.confidentiality IS NULL OR docs.confidentiality = '')		
all_minutes (Datasource=frsRO, Time=16ms, Records=9) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
	SELECT meet_minutes, _rowid, ln_rowid, seq_num, time_of_vote, text_box_lbl, lbl_bold, lbl_underline
	FROM meeting_minutes
	WHERE form_num = 321 AND
		  rev_num = 0 AND
		  print_box = 'Y' AND
		  meet_minutes IS NOT NULL
		  AND (obsolete <> 'Y' OR obsolete IS NULL) 
allMotions (Datasource=frsRO, Time=15ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
		SELECT motion.ln_rowid, motion.motion_seq, motion.motion_text,
			   motion.time_of_vote, motion.seq_num, motion._rowid, motion.motion_status as status_desc, motionName, r.title motionTitle, secondName, r2.title secondTitle,
			   c.descr status_desc
		FROM minutes_ln_motion motion
		LEFT OUTER JOIN minutes_roll AS r ON (r.form_num = motion.form_num AND
											  r.rev_num = motion.rev_num AND
											  r.valid_code = motion.motion_id)
		LEFT OUTER JOIN minutes_roll AS r2 ON (r2.form_num = motion.form_num AND
											  r2.rev_num = motion.rev_num AND
											  r2.valid_code = motion.second_id)
		LEFT OUTER JOIN codes AS c ON (c.code_type = 'AG STATUS' AND c.valid_code = motion.motion_status)
		WHERE motion.form_num = 321 AND
			  motion.rev_num = 0 AND
		 	  motion.motion_status <> 'VERBIAGE'
			  AND (motion.obsolete <> 'Y' OR motion.obsolete IS NULL)
		ORDER BY motion.ln_rowid, motion.motion_seq
allVotes (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
		SELECT v.ln_rowid, v.motion_seq, v.valid_code,,, r.title, c2.descr vote_descr, c2.long_descr vote_type, c3.long_descr vote_label,
			   v.seq_num sort1,	
			   CASE WHEN c2.long_descr = 'Y' THEN 1
			   		WHEN c2.long_descr = 'N' THEN 2
					ELSE 3 END AS sort2
		FROM minutes_ln_vote AS v
		INNER JOIN minutes AS m ON (m.form_num = v.form_num AND
								m.rev_num = v.rev_num)
		LEFT OUTER JOIN minutes_roll AS r ON (r.form_num = v.form_num AND
											  r.rev_num = v.rev_num AND
											  r.valid_code = v.valid_code)
		LEFT OUTER JOIN codes AS c2 ON (c2.code_type = 'AG_VOTEOTHER' AND c2.valid_code =
		LEFT OUTER JOIN codes AS c3 ON (c3.code_type = 'MinAddl' AND
			c3.valid_code = CAST(m.meeting_id AS varchar))
		WHERE v.form_num = 321 AND
			  v.rev_num = 0 AND (v.obsolete <> 'Y' OR v.obsolete IS NULL) 
		ORDER BY sort2, sort1							
get_Minutes (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
			FROM all_minutes
			WHERE ln_rowid = 7419 AND
				  meet_minutes <> ''
			ORDER BY seq_num
get_Motions (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
				SELECT * FROM allMotions
				WHERE allMotions.ln_rowid = 7419 
SortedList (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
			SELECT * from sortList
			ORDER BY seqNum
get_Minutes (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
			FROM all_minutes
			WHERE ln_rowid = 7423 AND
				  meet_minutes <> ''
			ORDER BY seq_num
get_Motions (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
				SELECT * FROM allMotions
				WHERE allMotions.ln_rowid = 7423 
SortedList (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
			SELECT * from sortList
			ORDER BY seqNum
get_Minutes (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
			FROM all_minutes
			WHERE ln_rowid = 7417 AND
				  meet_minutes <> ''
			ORDER BY seq_num
get_Motions (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
				SELECT * FROM allMotions
				WHERE allMotions.ln_rowid = 7417 
SortedList (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
			SELECT * from sortList
			ORDER BY seqNum
getMinutesNow (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
					SELECT * from meeting_minutes
					WHERE meeting_minutes._rowid = 5493 
get_Minutes (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
			FROM all_minutes
			WHERE ln_rowid = 7418 AND
				  meet_minutes <> ''
			ORDER BY seq_num
get_Motions (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
				SELECT * FROM allMotions
				WHERE allMotions.ln_rowid = 7418 
SortedList (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
			SELECT * from sortList
			ORDER BY seqNum
getMinutesNow (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
					SELECT * from meeting_minutes
					WHERE meeting_minutes._rowid = 5494 
get_Minutes (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
			FROM all_minutes
			WHERE ln_rowid = 7420 AND
				  meet_minutes <> ''
			ORDER BY seq_num
get_Motions (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
				SELECT * FROM allMotions
				WHERE allMotions.ln_rowid = 7420 
SortedList (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
			SELECT * from sortList
			ORDER BY seqNum
get_Minutes (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
			FROM all_minutes
			WHERE ln_rowid = 7427 AND
				  meet_minutes <> ''
			ORDER BY seq_num
get_Motions (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
				SELECT * FROM allMotions
				WHERE allMotions.ln_rowid = 7427 
SortedList (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
			SELECT * from sortList
			ORDER BY seqNum
getMinutesNow (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
					SELECT * from meeting_minutes
					WHERE meeting_minutes._rowid = 5495 
get_Minutes (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
			FROM all_minutes
			WHERE ln_rowid = 7429 AND
				  meet_minutes <> ''
			ORDER BY seq_num
get_Motions (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
				SELECT * FROM allMotions
				WHERE allMotions.ln_rowid = 7429 
SortedList (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
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			ORDER BY seqNum
getMinutesNow (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
					SELECT * from meeting_minutes
					WHERE meeting_minutes._rowid = 5496 
get_Minutes (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
			FROM all_minutes
			WHERE ln_rowid = 7428 AND
				  meet_minutes <> ''
			ORDER BY seq_num
get_Motions (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
				SELECT * FROM allMotions
				WHERE allMotions.ln_rowid = 7428 
SortedList (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
			SELECT * from sortList
			ORDER BY seqNum
getMinutesNow (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
					SELECT * from meeting_minutes
					WHERE meeting_minutes._rowid = 5497 
get_Minutes (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
			FROM all_minutes
			WHERE ln_rowid = 7425 AND
				  meet_minutes <> ''
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get_Motions (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
				SELECT * FROM allMotions
				WHERE allMotions.ln_rowid = 7425 
SortedList (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
			SELECT * from sortList
			ORDER BY seqNum
getMinutesNow (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
					SELECT * from meeting_minutes
					WHERE meeting_minutes._rowid = 5498 
get_Minutes (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
			FROM all_minutes
			WHERE ln_rowid = 7426 AND
				  meet_minutes <> ''
			ORDER BY seq_num
get_Motions (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
				SELECT * FROM allMotions
				WHERE allMotions.ln_rowid = 7426 
SortedList (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
			SELECT * from sortList
			ORDER BY seqNum
getMinutesNow (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
					SELECT * from meeting_minutes
					WHERE meeting_minutes._rowid = 5499 
get_Minutes (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
			FROM all_minutes
			WHERE ln_rowid = 7421 AND
				  meet_minutes <> ''
			ORDER BY seq_num
get_Motions (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
				SELECT * FROM allMotions
				WHERE allMotions.ln_rowid = 7421 
SortedList (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
			SELECT * from sortList
			ORDER BY seqNum
getMinutesNow (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
					SELECT * from meeting_minutes
					WHERE meeting_minutes._rowid = 5500 
get_Minutes (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
			FROM all_minutes
			WHERE ln_rowid = 7422 AND
				  meet_minutes <> ''
			ORDER BY seq_num
get_Motions (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
				SELECT * FROM allMotions
				WHERE allMotions.ln_rowid = 7422 
SortedList (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
			SELECT * from sortList
			ORDER BY seqNum
getMinutesNow (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
					SELECT * from meeting_minutes
					WHERE meeting_minutes._rowid = 5501 
Departments (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=17) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\adv_search_selection.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
	SELECT dept_code, dept_desc, obsolete FROM dist_dept ORDER BY dept_desc
sysinfo (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\adv_search_selection.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
	SELECT use_agendaquick, use_minutes, public_verity from fasinfo
count_minutes (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\adv_search_selection.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
		SELECT TOP 1 c.meeting_id
		FROM meetings AS m, minutes AS c
		WHERE c.meeting_id = m.meeting_id
		  AND c.minutes_published = 'Y'
		ORDER BY m.meeting_dt 
count_agendas (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\adv_search_selection.cfm @ 05:10:51.051
		SELECT TOP 1 c.meeting_id
		FROM meetings AS m, agenda AS c
		WHERE c.meeting_id = m.meeting_id
		  AND c.agenda_published = 'Y'
		ORDER BY m.meeting_dt 

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