Print Minutes Return
6:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
  Mayor Nabours called the Special Meeting of the Flagstaff City Council of September 8, 2015, to order at 6:02 p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
  The City Council and audience recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Roll Call

NOTE: One or more Councilmembers may be in attendance telephonically or by other technological means.




Others present: City Manager Josh Copley; City Attorney Michelle D'Andrea
4. Consideration and Adoption of Ordinance No. 2015-18:  An ordinance to enter into a second Amendment to Development Agreement (DA) with Nestle-Purina Petcare Company to extend the agreement and underlying lease for up to six months  (Possible extension of development agreement with Nestle-Purina).
  Business Retention and Expansion Manager John Saltonstall provided a PowerPoint Presentation that covered the following:
Councilmember Oravits clarified that the request is to extend the agreement and lease for six months so Purina can explore the feasibility of a deodorizing mechanism and come back after that for possible further action. If the mechanism is not feasible then the development agreement and GPLET lease will terminate as planned.
Councilmember Putzova recommended removing the section of Recital I that discusses Purina’s tax savings because it may lead to an impression that the savings were not realized because of something that the City has done which is not the case. If it is not removed she suggested including information about what the savings were rather than saying they were far less.
Councilmember Putzova then suggested a change to the Research section of the agreement. She would like the first sentence to read “During the Extension Period, at its own expense, Purina will explore whether it is financially and technically feasible to purchase and install equipment at the Purina facility in Flagstaff to measurably minimize odor from the Purina Facility.”
Ms. D’Andrea explained that the agreement is not in final form yet, and staff is still involved with negotiations with Purina. She asked that Council offer some leeway for the language and stated that the final document will be available to the Council at the second reading.
Vice Mayor Barotz asked if staff is able to clarify the total savings realized by Purina. Mr. Saltonstall stated that the total savings to date is approximately $2.5 million. Management Services Director Barbara Goodrich stated that the $2.5 million is the accumulated savings from both GPLETs. There are also additional savings realized from the first GPLET that ran from 2003 through 2008 in the amount of approximately $500,000. GPLET two was to add another $3.5 million to what they realized from the first GPLET.
The following individuals addressed Council in favor of extending the Purina GPLET:
  • Bonnie Bouschet
  • Walter Crutchfield
  • Amy Kurr
The following comments were received:
  • One of the things that has been a detriment has been the odor emission from Nestle. When the Marketplace opened in 2007 there were several pads for restaurants proposed and prospective vendors have come back and said it is not feasible with the odor. This could be a positive for the community, east side, mall and Marketplace for that odor to be reduced.
  • The Harkins Theatres by the mall and the pad sites near that are starting construction soon. The Developer echoes the sentiments of the Marketplace and support the extension of the agreement so work can be done to mitigate the issue. The City has a great company like Nestle Purina but a bad odor.
  • Purina continues to grow and expand and this growth has pushed the plant to an extended operation. We want to be a good neighbor and want to look for different ways of mitigating the odor coming from the plant. This is a voluntary effort as we are in compliance with all the air quality standards but we are hoping to find a way to get this work completed.


  Moved by Councilmember Coral Evans, seconded by Councilmember Karla Brewster to read Ordinance No. 2015-18 by title only for the first time.
  The Special Meeting of the Flagstaff City Council of September 8, 2015, adjourned at 6:28 p.m.

1. Call to Order
  Mayor Nabours called the Flagstaff City Council Work Session of September 8, 2015, to order at 6:28 p.m.
2. Public Participation

Public Participation enables the public to address the council about items that are not on the prepared agenda. Public Participation appears on the agenda twice, at the beginning and at the end of the work session. You may speak at one or the other, but not both. Anyone wishing to comment at the meeting is asked to fill out a speaker card and submit it to the recording clerk. When the item comes up on the agenda, your name will be called. You may address the Council up to three times throughout the meeting, including comments made during Public Participation. Please limit your remarks to three minutes per item to allow everyone to have an opportunity to speak. At the discretion of the Chair, ten or more persons present at the meeting and wishing to speak may appoint a representative who may have no more than fifteen minutes to speak.
  Ward Davis addressed Council in regards to the need for additional funding for water conservation in an effort to push off Red Gap Ranch.
John Viktora addressed Council in regards to freedom of speech.
George Averbeck addressed Council in regards to the transient population and blight issues downtown.
Preliminary Review of Draft Agenda for the September 15, 2015, City Council Meeting*
* Public comment on draft agenda items may be taken under “Review of Draft Agenda Items” later in the meeting, at the discretion of the Mayor. Citizens wishing to speak on agenda items not specifically called out by the City Council for discussion under the second Review section may submit a speaker card for their items of interest to the recording clerk.
  A.      Review of Ordinance No. 2015-16:  Revisions to the City's Animal Keeping Code

Sustainability Specialist McKenzie Jones provided a PowerPoint presentation that covered the following:
Councilmember Oravits asked how the quantities of animals were determined. Ms. Jones explained that staff looked at how much the average family would need to feed their family partnered with the amount of land available. The proposed changes were modeled heavily on Fort Collins’ City Code. Councilmember Oravits asked if there is a corresponding ordinance that relates to the cleanup of the waste created by livestock and what that will entail. Ms. Jones stated that there is language regarding the larger animals and all livestock animals that relates to sound and smell; the Code will be similar to that already in place for dogs. 

Councilmember Evans stated that there is a lot of concern about the removal of waste. She wants to know what the enforcement will look like for these types of situations. Comprehensive Planning and Code Administrator Roger Eastman stated that he will provide that information at the next meeting. Councilmember Evans stated that she would like to see included in the Code guidelines for waste removal, how far from the property line waste can collect and how often that waste needs to be removed. Mr. Eastman stated that the Code, as it is written now, is more general than that; if a police officer determines there is a nuisance someone can be cited.
Councilmember Putzova asked for information about the impact to the water utility infrastructure, if any. It would be great to see how this proposal applies and theoretically how many properties can accommodate these animals so people can get an idea of what to expect.
Councilmember Oravits asked what the process is now with regards to dogs and odor. Ms. Jones explained that it is entirely complaint driven. Someone can call Code Enforcement or Animal Control to file a complaint; it can be specific to an animal or structure. In speaking with the current Animal Enforcement Officer he stated that he receives approximately two or three calls a month mainly concerning chickens that have gotten out of their owner’s yard.
Mayor Nabours stated that one provision states that to have large livestock you need a half acre of open space for each animal but the chart says that under 40,000 square feet someone could have four cows or three horses; that does not equate to a half acre for each. Ms. Jones stated that the numbers had been recently modified and it appears that one was missed. She stated that she will correct those figures before the next meeting.
Councilmember Overton asked for an explanation of why the City is looking into allowing livestock and how the Code may be too restrictive or not restrictive enough. Ms. Jones stated that for a long time there have been issues in understanding the existing Code and staff has been looking at making changes to the Code to make it clearer. During the Zoning Code and Regional Plan process there were many questions about if chickens can be kept and the Sustainability Section gets many calls with the same question. The Code is prohibitive for a vast majority of people in the city and there is a large desire for people to be able to keep chickens especially. This is an effort to address the Code for both small and large livestock. Staff has done extensive research on how this affects people and many feel this is a step in the right direction.
Councilmember Evans stated that she would like additional information about where the ER and RR zones are in the City.
Councilmember Putzova stated that the proposal does not allow slaughter on the property but the purpose was a desire for people to provide food for their families. She would like to know what services are available for the slaughtering of livestock and if possible, she would like to hear from people who own animals currently and what they do. Ms. Jones stated that she has done some research on this issue and as far as she has been able to determine there is not anyone who slaughters chickens in the Flagstaff area. The small game processors do not provide that kind of service.
Councilmember Oravits stated that this Code would not supersede Homeowner’s Association restrictions on animal keeping. Ms. Jones stated that he is correct and to her knowledge almost all homeowner’s associations do not allow chicken keeping.
David McCain addressed Council stating that Friends of Flagstaff’s Future has urged the City to change its Code to allow residents to raise small livestock. Raising animals for food is the most economical access to food available. Councilmember Evans clarified that she does not have an issue with raising local; she is concerned with the number of animals allowed. A lot of people choose to live in the City because they do not want a farm next door. She asked Mr. McCain if Friends of Flagstaff’s Future would oppose the lowering of the number of livestock allowed. Ms. McCain stated that they are supporting the intent of the change and want to ensure compatibility with the urban environment. Councilmember Putzova asked if they have a stance on slaughter. Mr. McCain stated that they have not discussed the option of slaughter and therefore have no opinion at this time. Councilmember Putzova stated that she would be interested in hearing what their position is once discussed.
  B.     Review of Consideration and Approval of Contract: Street Lighting in Support of 
         Dark Skies RFP 2015-69 (Approve contract with Monrad Engineering, Inc. for the
         development of an installation and light management plan in the amount of

Flagstaff Metropolitan Planning Organization (FMPO) Manager Dave Wessel provided a PowerPoint presentation that covered the following:
Councilmember Brewster stated that the company sounds like they have everything in place to do the work and asked if they have worked with any other communities regarding dark skies. Mr. Wessel stated that the owners have been part of the International Dark Skies Association and work has been done in Tucson in coordination with the observatories there.
Mayor Nabours asked if FMPO is funding the study. Mr. Wessel stated yes the FMPO is funding the study. The FMPO recently funded a series of light replacement phases and at that time the City had thought that they had come to an agreement with the observatories for replacement. That proved incorrect and the FMPO ended up hosting a conference with Lowell Observatory where a lot was learned. Funding this study will allow the City and the Observatories to come to an agreement on what kind of lighting should be used for the replacements.
Councilmember Putzova asked if the overall intent is to maintain the current level of light or to enhance the dark skies. Mr. Wessel explained that there is some question as to if the City can maintain the current standards with as low as the lighting is now. Staff is continuing to look at that with pole locations and still meet the dark skies expectations. Bandwidth will be something that is watched closely and whether there are opportunities to work around the spectrum. The goal is to maintain the dark skies and they do not anticipate much increased light.
Vice Mayor Barotz suggested that the observatory be invited to a work session after the study is complete to allow them an opportunity to give their feedback on the recommendations from the consultants.
4. Visit Cool Update
  Convention and Visitor Bureau (CVB) Marketing and Public Relations Manager Heather Ainardi provided a PowerPoint presentation that covered the following:
Councilmember Brewster asked if they are still doing wraps on the light rail trains in Phoenix. Ms. Ainardi explained that wraps were done in the past, but the CVB no longer has the budget to continue. However, this allows staff to utilize new ideas to keep things fresh and make sure people do not see the same things over and over.
Councilmember Oravits stated that the Cool Zone is very big and very obvious. The event was well attended and very cool. Having the temperature gauge was a great idea and the project overall is great branding and rebranding of Flagstaff. There is a big challenge ahead in keeping the ideas flowing.
A break was held from 7:36 p.m. through 7:46 p.m.
5. Update on Management Plans Related to Plastic Bags
  Sustainability Manager Nicole Woodman provided a brief update on the City’s plastic bag management plans.
The City of Flagstaff has considered plastic bag management three times in calendar year 2015. A City Manager focus group was formed with the goal of finding a common solution for plastic bag management; following the formation of the group, the State of Arizona Legislature passed Senate Bill 1241 that prohibits cities, towns and counties from charging a fee or banning the use of “auxiliary containers” such as plastic bags.
Discussions among staff, the Sustainability Commission and City Manager focus group led to three options:
  1. File a lawsuit against the State of Arizona. This option is not recommended due to time, expense, defensibility, and other priorities for the City.
  2. Develop and execute a City of Flagstaff operated plastic bag recycling program. This option would include wide scale collection of commercial and residential plastic bags and the sale of plastic bag material to the private sector. This option is not recommended due to the significant cost to initiate the program and the greater need to invest time and resources into the existing residential and commercial recycling program. 
  3. Continue to execute a modestly funded recycling education initiative and plastic bag use reduction campaign. The Sustainability Program allocates 15% of its operating budget to recycling education. Staff provides in-person waste prevention and recycling education as well as distributes recycling information to customers. Reusable bags are also distributed to the community. This month, staff will launch the MyWaste website and smartphone app. This will provide personalized waste and recycling collection information to City customers, recycling and disposal instruction, as well as communication and engagement tools. This option is recommended.
In addition to the recommended option, if Council wishes to increase funding to recycling initiatives from $0.25 per resident to $1.00, a budget request could be submitted in FY 2017 to increase funding to improve recycling rates.
Mayor Nabours stated that when the Council toured the recycling plant there was literally a shower of plastic bags coming down the machinery. It became obvious that people in Flagstaff are willing to recycle and place those items in the recycle cans. It is important to better educate on the appropriate disposal of plastic bags. He asked if stores would entertain having a sign at the entrance that says “Did you remember your bags?” to encourage more use of reusable bags. Ms. Woodman stated that there is still a lot of interest in the community about plastic bags and it is important to continue getting information out to the community. Staff will continue to collaborate with businesses in town along with the grocery stores to encourage the use of reusable bags and appropriately recycling plastic bags.
Councilmember Brewster states that she continues to have trouble knowing where the containers are to recycle plastic bags at the stores. She stated that if people are asked to recycle plastic bags the receptacles need to be accessible and visible. Ms. Woodman stated that the grocery stores in town that participate in bag central station do so on a voluntary basis and it is up to the store to determine placement and signage.
Councilmember Evans stated that she is disappointed in the State and suggested that the City look at legal options. She also suggested that staff look for plastic bag recycling locations that are not affiliated with a traditional grocery store. Ms. Woodman explained that the City does not have a program for processing the bags that would be collected at those locations. Mayor Nabours asked if the grocery stores would take the bags that the City collects at alternate locations. Ms. Woodman stated that it is not something that has been discussed with the grocery stores before but is an idea that can be looked into.
Councilmember Putzova stated that there is no way of knowing what happens to the bags once they reach Phoenix. There is no evidence that these bags get recycled. Ms. Woodman agreed stating that the City is not privy to that information. Staff’s focus has been addressing the reduction at the start and not just the recycling.
Mayor Nabours asked if there are stores that provide an incentive to bring and use reusable bags. Ms. Woodman explained that there are a handful of stores that provide a five cent rebate on bags but most do not; Sprouts, Target, Whole Foods, and Natural Grocers provide the rebate. Mayor Nabours suggested that the program could be expanded with the City promoting it.
Ms. Woodman stated that as a model staff is working with Economic Vitality and the Downtown Business Alliance to introduce a reusable bag for downtown businesses that would provide a credit or discount to the customer when those bags are used. Staff is trying to identify creative ways to promote the cause.
Councilmember Putzova stated that it is important to work with businesses and the best thing would be if businesses voluntarily eliminate the use of plastic bags.
Councilmember Oravits stated that when staff comes back to Council with the education campaign he would like to see and understand the target and the benchmark and how staff plans to measure success.
The following individuals addressed Council in favor of reducing the use of plastic bags:
  • David McCain
  • Andy Fernandez
The comments received are as follows:
  • Friends of Flagstaff’s Future continue to be very interested in the issue and would like to see the City stand up for their rights and sue the State for their overreaching.
  • Suggest establishing a baseline measure of recycling and periodically re-measure to evaluate effectiveness.
6. Boards and Commissions: Process Update
  City Clerk Elizabeth Burke provided a PowerPoint presentation that covered the following:
Deputy City Clerk Stacy Saltzburg continued the presentation.
After discussion the Council directed staff to change the process for determining the Council Interview Team; instead of assigning two Councilmembers from a rotating list they asked that a random rotation of Councilmembers be determined for each individual commission. When appointments come up for commissions one Councilmember is assigned for each vacancy from the list for that particular commission. The hope is that this new process will provide a more consistent and fair approach to how Councilmembers are selected to make appointments.
With regards to the specialty appointments the Council determined that they would like to take a closer look at defining the criteria of qualifications for the specialty appointments. The City Clerk will bring forward the discussion at a future meeting.
The Council also determined that they would like to move forward with re-starting the Commission on Diversity Awareness since there has recently been an increase in interest from the community.
Councilmember Evans and Vice Mayor Barotz left the meeting at 9:10 p.m.
7. Policy discussion on proposed amendments to Chapters 10-10 and 10-20 of the Flagstaff Zoning Code
  Mayor Nabours stated that item 7 would be postponed to a later meeting due to the lateness of the meeting and because a couple of Councilmembers had to leave the meeting.
Review of Draft Agenda Items for the September 15, 2015, City Council Meeting*
* Public comment on draft agenda items will be taken at this time, at the discretion of the Mayor.
9. Public Participation
10. Informational Items To/From Mayor, Council, and City Manager; future agenda item requests
  Councilmember Oravits would like information on the feasibility of regulating transactions that occur between occupants of vehicles in traffic with pedestrians on the sidewalk. Mayor Nabours stated that there have been a number of legal requests recently and Ms. D’Andrea is putting them all together to be discussed at an upcoming Executive Session.
Councilmember Oravits stated that a letter has been sent to the City Council along with the City Manager regarding the 250 acres of City owned land south of Ponderosa Trails and the North Slopes Homeowners Association has raised concern about forest fires. He requested an email or memo giving information about if there is a possibility of treating the forest in that area in the near future.
Councilmember Oravits also noted that he spoke with Arizona Department of Veteran Services and heard that they have recommended to the Governor’s office to fund $9.2 million for a veteran’s home in Flagstaff.
Mr. Copley reminded Council about the United Way kickoff luncheon scheduled for September 9, 2015 and the renaming of the Flagstaff Recreation Center scheduled for September 10, 2015 at 5:00 p.m.
11. Adjournment
  The Work Session of the Flagstaff City Council held September 8, 2015, adjourned at 9:14 p.m.





  )    ss.
Coconino County )  

I, ELIZABETH A. BURKE, do hereby certify that I am the City Clerk of the City of Flagstaff, County of Coconino, State of Arizona, and that the above Minutes are a true and correct summary of the Meeting of the Council of the City of Flagstaff held on September 8, 2015. I further certify that the Meeting was duly called and held and that a quorum was present.

DATED this 20th day of October, 2015.           


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		OR code_type IN ('ud_tb1','ud_pd1','ud_cb1','ud_ta1','ud_ta2','ud_fi1','ud_fi1','ud_cb1','ud_fi3','ud_fi4','ud_fi5','ud_fi6','ud_fi7','ud_fi8','ud_fi9','ud_yn1','ud_fi12','ud_fi13','ud_tb2','ud_fi2','ud_dt1','ud_fims1','ud_fil1','ud_fi3','ud_fis1','ud_tb3','ud_fi4','ud_tb4','ud_tb5','ud_tb6','ud_fi5','ud_fi6','ud_fi7','ud_fi8','ud_fi9','ud_fi10','ud_fi11','ud_fi12','ud_fi13','ud_fi14','ud_fi15','ud_fi16','ud_fi17','ud_fi18','ud_fi19','ud_fi20','ud_fi21','ud_fi22','ud_fi23','ud_dt1','ud_fi14','ud_fi15','ud_dt2','ud_rs1','ud_fi24','ud_fi25','ud_tb7','ud_fi26')
		AND (opt_form_id = '' OR opt_form_id IS NULL)
get_agendas (Datasource=frsRO, Time=16ms, Records=8) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\ext_agpub_top.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
		SELECT m.meeting_dt, m.meeting_name, m.meeting_id, a.form_num as ag_form_num,
			minutes.minutes_published, a.agenda_published,
			a.minutes_doc_name, a.minutes_doc_link,	a.default_doc_dir,
			minutes.default_doc_dir minutes_default_doc_dir,
			a.packet_doc_name, a.packet_published,
			minutes.form_num as min_form_num, minutes.minutes_packet_published,
			ag_links.link_label as ag_link_label, ag_links.link_url as ag_link_url,
			min_links.link_label as min_link_label, min_links.link_url as min_link_url,
			 rel.large_misc_alpha as release_date, agt.meeting_type
		FROM meetings AS m
		INNER JOIN agenda AS a ON ( 
			a.meeting_id = m.meeting_id AND
			(a.agenda_published = 'Y' OR a.packet_published = 'Y')
		LEFT OUTER JOIN minutes ON (
			minutes.meeting_id = m.meeting_id AND
			(minutes.minutes_published = 'Y' OR minutes.minutes_packet_published = 'Y')
		INNER JOIN ag_template AS agt ON (agt.ag_template_id = m.template_id
		LEFT OUTER JOIN codes as rel ON (rel.code_type = 'AddlMtg' AND CAST(rel.valid_code AS INT) = m.meeting_id)
		LEFT OUTER JOIN form_links AS ag_links ON (
			ag_links.form_id  = 'AGENDA' AND
			ag_links.form_num = a.form_num AND
			ag_links.link_seq = 1
		LEFT OUTER JOIN form_links AS min_links ON (
			min_links.form_id  = 'MINUTES' AND
			min_links.form_num = minutes.form_num AND
			min_links.rev_num  = minutes.rev_num AND
			min_links.link_seq = 1
		WHERE m.meeting_dt >= ?

		  AND m.meeting_dt <= ?

		ORDER BY m.meeting_dt DESC, m.meeting_name
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_timestamp) = 2015-09-01 00:00:00.0
Parameter #2(cf_sql_timestamp) = 2015-09-30 00:00:00.0

codesFields (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\agenda\agenda_utilities.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			select top 1 * from codes
checkMinutes (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
		SELECT TOP 1 * FROM minutes_ln_vote vote
getminutes (Datasource=frsRO, Time=78ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
SELECT fas.form_num fas_form_num, fas.action_cd fas_action_cd, fas.current_stop fas_current_stop, fas.routing_apprvl fas_routing_apprvl,
	   fas.final_apprvl fas_final_apprvl, fas.final_print fas_final_print, fas.fis_yr fas_fis_yr, fas.date_final, fas.final_prt_date,
	   ft.* ,
	   m.meeting_name, m.meeting_dt, m.meeting_fromthru_time, m.meeting_id, m.meeting_loc,
	   agt.ag_template_name, agt.ag_template_id,
	   codes.long_descr px_size, codes.descr pdf_format, 
	   mt.agmemo_prefix, mt.agmemo_desc, mt.meeting_type,
 	   agt.pdf_header, agt.pdf_footer, ct.descr vote_width, crt.descr roll_format, crt.long_descr roll_px_size,
	   am.long_descr vote_label, am.misc_alpha3 att_print_nametitle,
	   am.misc_alpha4 att_print_format, am.loc_code att_title_place, am.large_misc_alpha roll_title_place
FROM minutes ft
INNER JOIN fas ON (fas.form_id = 'MINUTES' AND fas.form_num = ft.form_num AND fas.rev_num = ft.rev_num)
INNER JOIN form_hist ON (UPPER(form_hist.form_id) = fas.form_id AND
			UPPER(form_hist.stat_action) = 'ADD' AND
			form_hist.form_num = fas.form_num)
INNER JOIN meetings AS m ON (m.meeting_id = ft.meeting_id)
LEFT OUTER JOIN ag_template AS agt ON (agt.ag_template_id = ft.ag_template_id)
LEFT OUTER JOIN meeting_type AS mt ON (mt.meeting_type = agt.meeting_type)
LEFT OUTER JOIN codes ON (codes.code_type = 'AG_FONT' and codes.valid_code = ft.text_size)
LEFT OUTER JOIN codes crt ON (crt.code_type = 'AG_FONT' and crt.valid_code = ft.roll_text_size)
LEFT OUTER JOIN codes cv ON (cv.code_type = 'AG_JUST' and cv.valid_code = ft.vote_disp_position)
LEFT OUTER JOIN codes cr ON (cr.code_type = 'AG_JUST' and cr.valid_code = ft.roll_disp_position)
LEFT OUTER JOIN codes ct ON (ct.code_type = 'VOTE_WIDTH' and ct.valid_code = ft.vote_disp_width)
LEFT OUTER JOIN codes am ON (am.code_type = 'MinAddl' and
	am.valid_code = CAST(ft.meeting_id as varchar))
LEFT OUTER JOIN codes amm ON (amm.code_type = 'AddlMtgMin' and
	amm.valid_code = CAST(ft.meeting_id as varchar))
WHERE ft.meeting_id = 378 
get_temp_vars (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\agenda\agenda_utilities.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
		SELECT 'Alpha','Alpha','Alpha','Alpha', min.ag_punct
		FROM meetings, minutes min
		WHERE meetings.meeting_id = ? AND
		      min.meeting_id = meetings.meeting_id
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 378

qCodes (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\min_print_utilities.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			select c.misc_alpha mHead_pad, c.misc_alpha2 mBody_pad, c.misc_alpha3 mPresent_pad, c.misc_alpha4 mAbsent_pad,
				   c.misc_alpha5 mStaff_pad, c.misc_alpha6 mOthers_pad, c.misc_alpha7 mAGtext_pad,
				   c.misc_alpha8 mMintext_pad, c.misc_alpha9 mMotion_pad, c.misc_alpha10 mVote_pad,
				   c.misc_alpha11 mRollSection_pad
			from codes c
			where c.code_type = ? and
			     c.valid_code = CAST(378 as varchar)
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_varchar) = MinPad

getFonts (Datasource=frsRO, Time=16ms, Records=7) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
	SELECT valid_code, descr, long_descr from codes
	WHERE code_type = 'AG_FONT'
final_check (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=3) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
	SELECT _rowid
	FROM ss_ag_item
	WHERE ss_ag_item.form_num = 378 
getAllMnLines (Datasource=frsRO, Time=31ms, Records=18) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
SELECT ml._rowid ln_rowid, ml.ln_rowid ml_rowid, ml.form_num, ml.rev_num, ml.seq_num,
	   ml.ag_level1, ml.ag_level2, ml.ag_level3, ml.ag_level4, ml.header_ln, ml.footer_ln, ml.left_justify, ml.page_br,		
	   c.descr as status_desc,
	   CASE WHEN ml.header_ln = 'Y' THEN 1	
	   		WHEN ml.footer_ln = 'Y' THEN 3
	   		ELSE 2 END AS line_sort,
	   as1.sort_seq sort_level1,
	   CASE WHEN ml.ag_level2 != '' AND ml.ag_level2 != '0' THEN as2.sort_seq ELSE -1 END AS sort_level2,	
	   CASE WHEN ml.ag_level3 != '' AND ml.ag_level3 != '0' THEN as3.sort_seq ELSE -1 END AS sort_level3,
	   CASE WHEN ml.ag_level4 != '' AND ml.ag_level4 != '0' THEN as4.sort_seq ELSE -1 END AS sort_level4,	
	   CASE WHEN ml.ag_memo_id IS NOT NULL THEN ml.ag_memo_id ELSE -1 END AS sort_memo,
	   ml.ag_size, ml.ag_underline, ml.ag_bold, ml.ag_center, ml.ag_italic, ml.disp_level,
	   am.allow_comment, ml.ainumber min_ainumber, ml.ag_memo_id, ml.ag_memo_rev, ml.ag_subject, ml.ag_title ag_heading,
	   ml.header_ln, ml.footer_ln, ml.left_justify,		
	   CASE WHEN ml.ag_memo_id IS NOT NULL THEN am.ag_time ELSE ml.ag_time END as ag_time,
	   CASE WHEN ml.ag_memo_id IS NOT NULL THEN am.ag_title ELSE '' END as ag_title,
	   CASE WHEN ml.ag_memo_id IS NOT NULL THEN am.ag_action ELSE ml.ag_action END as ag_action
FROM minutes_ln ml
LEFT OUTER JOIN ag_memo AS am ON (am.form_num = ml.ag_memo_id AND am.rev_num = ml.ag_memo_rev)

LEFT OUTER JOIN ss_ag_item AS ai ON (ai.form_num = 378 AND ai._rowid = am.ag_item_rowid)

LEFT OUTER JOIN codes AS c ON (c.code_type = 'MIN STATUS' AND c.valid_code = ml.ag_line_status)
LEFT OUTER JOIN alpha_sort AS as1 ON (as1.alpha_value = ml.ag_level1 AND CAST(as1.alpha_value AS binary(8)) = CAST(ml.ag_level1 AS binary(8)))
LEFT OUTER JOIN alpha_sort AS as2 ON (as2.alpha_value = ml.ag_level2 AND CAST(as2.alpha_value AS binary(8)) = CAST(ml.ag_level2 AS binary(8)))
LEFT OUTER JOIN alpha_sort AS as3 ON (as3.alpha_value = ml.ag_level3 AND CAST(as3.alpha_value AS binary(8)) = CAST(ml.ag_level3 AS binary(8)))
LEFT OUTER JOIN alpha_sort AS as4 ON (as4.alpha_value = ml.ag_level4 AND CAST(as4.alpha_value AS binary(8)) = CAST(ml.ag_level4 AS binary(8)))
WHERE ml.form_num = 91 AND
	  ml.rev_num = 0
ORDER BY line_sort, sort_level1, sort_level2, sort_level3, sort_level4, min_ainumber, sort_memo
getMnLines (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=16) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
FROM getAllMnLines
WHERE getAllMnLines.header_ln = 'N' AND getAllMnLines.footer_ln = 'N'
ORDER BY line_sort, sort_level1, sort_level2, sort_level3, sort_level4, min_ainumber, sort_memo	
getHeader (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
	FROM getAllMnLines
	WHERE getAllMnLines.header_ln = 'Y'
	ORDER BY header_ln DESC, sort_level1, sort_level2, sort_level3, sort_level4
getFooter (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
	select * from getAllMnLines where footer_ln = 'Y'
	order by sort_level1, sort_level2, sort_level3, sort_level4
all_docs (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=8) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
	SELECT docs.sort_seq, docs.doc_name, docs.doc_link, docs.doc_dir,
			docs.confidentiality, docs.from_agenda,
				'Y' can_look, 'Y' can_link	
			ml.form_num, ml.rev_num, ml._rowid ml_rowid,
			min.minutes_published min_published,
			a.agenda_published ag_published
	FROM minutes min
	INNER JOIN minutes_ln AS ml ON (ml.form_num = min.form_num AND ml.rev_num = min.rev_num)
	INNER JOIN minutes_docs AS docs ON(docs.form_num = ml.form_num AND
		  							   docs.rev_num = ml.rev_num AND
		  							   docs.ln_rowid = ml._rowid
		  								AND (docs.confidentiality IS NULL OR docs.confidentiality = '')		
	LEFT OUTER JOIN agenda AS a ON (a.form_num = min.ag_form_num AND a.rev_num = min.ag_rev_num)
	WHERE min.form_num = 91 AND
		  min.rev_num = 0 
	  AND (docs.confidentiality IS NULL OR docs.confidentiality = '')		
all_minutes (Datasource=frsRO, Time=15ms, Records=19) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
	SELECT meet_minutes, _rowid, ln_rowid, seq_num, time_of_vote, text_box_lbl, lbl_bold, lbl_underline
	FROM meeting_minutes
	WHERE form_num = 91 AND
		  rev_num = 0 AND
		  print_box = 'Y' AND
		  meet_minutes IS NOT NULL
		  AND (obsolete <> 'Y' OR obsolete IS NULL) 
allMotions (Datasource=frsRO, Time=16ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
		SELECT motion.ln_rowid, motion.motion_seq, motion.motion_text,
			   motion.time_of_vote, motion.seq_num, motion._rowid, motion.motion_status as status_desc, motionName, r.title motionTitle, secondName, r2.title secondTitle,
			   c.descr status_desc
		FROM minutes_ln_motion motion
		LEFT OUTER JOIN minutes_roll AS r ON (r.form_num = motion.form_num AND
											  r.rev_num = motion.rev_num AND
											  r.valid_code = motion.motion_id)
		LEFT OUTER JOIN minutes_roll AS r2 ON (r2.form_num = motion.form_num AND
											  r2.rev_num = motion.rev_num AND
											  r2.valid_code = motion.second_id)
		LEFT OUTER JOIN codes AS c ON (c.code_type = 'AG STATUS' AND c.valid_code = motion.motion_status)
		WHERE motion.form_num = 91 AND
			  motion.rev_num = 0 AND
		 	  motion.motion_status <> 'VERBIAGE'
			  AND (motion.obsolete <> 'Y' OR motion.obsolete IS NULL)
		ORDER BY motion.ln_rowid, motion.motion_seq
allVotes (Datasource=frsRO, Time=16ms, Records=7) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
		SELECT v.ln_rowid, v.motion_seq, v.valid_code,,, r.title, c2.descr vote_descr, c2.long_descr vote_type, c3.long_descr vote_label,
			   v.seq_num sort1,	
			   CASE WHEN c2.long_descr = 'Y' THEN 1
			   		WHEN c2.long_descr = 'N' THEN 2
					ELSE 3 END AS sort2
		FROM minutes_ln_vote AS v
		INNER JOIN minutes AS m ON (m.form_num = v.form_num AND
								m.rev_num = v.rev_num)
		LEFT OUTER JOIN minutes_roll AS r ON (r.form_num = v.form_num AND
											  r.rev_num = v.rev_num AND
											  r.valid_code = v.valid_code)
		LEFT OUTER JOIN codes AS c2 ON (c2.code_type = 'AG_VOTEOTHER' AND c2.valid_code =
		LEFT OUTER JOIN codes AS c3 ON (c3.code_type = 'MinAddl' AND
			c3.valid_code = CAST(m.meeting_id AS varchar))
		WHERE v.form_num = 91 AND
			  v.rev_num = 0 AND (v.obsolete <> 'Y' OR v.obsolete IS NULL) 
		ORDER BY sort2, sort1							
get_Minutes (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			FROM all_minutes
			WHERE ln_rowid = 2538 AND
				  meet_minutes <> ''
			ORDER BY seq_num
get_Motions (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
				SELECT * FROM allMotions
				WHERE allMotions.ln_rowid = 2538 
SortedList (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			SELECT * from sortList
			ORDER BY seqNum
getMinutesNow (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
					SELECT * from meeting_minutes
					WHERE meeting_minutes._rowid = 1963 
get_Minutes (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			FROM all_minutes
			WHERE ln_rowid = 2543 AND
				  meet_minutes <> ''
			ORDER BY seq_num
get_Motions (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
				SELECT * FROM allMotions
				WHERE allMotions.ln_rowid = 2543 
SortedList (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			SELECT * from sortList
			ORDER BY seqNum
getMinutesNow (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
					SELECT * from meeting_minutes
					WHERE meeting_minutes._rowid = 1964 
get_Minutes (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			FROM all_minutes
			WHERE ln_rowid = 2536 AND
				  meet_minutes <> ''
			ORDER BY seq_num
get_Motions (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
				SELECT * FROM allMotions
				WHERE allMotions.ln_rowid = 2536 
SortedList (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			SELECT * from sortList
			ORDER BY seqNum
get_Minutes (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=2) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			FROM all_minutes
			WHERE ln_rowid = 2549 AND
				  meet_minutes <> ''
			ORDER BY seq_num
get_Motions (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
				SELECT * FROM allMotions
				WHERE allMotions.ln_rowid = 2549 
SortedList (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=3) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			SELECT * from sortList
			ORDER BY seqNum
getMinutesNow (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
					SELECT * from meeting_minutes
					WHERE meeting_minutes._rowid = 1965 
getMotions (Datasource=frsRO, Time=15ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			    	SELECT motion.motion_text, motion.time_of_vote, motion.motion_id, motion.second_id,
						   motion.motion_seq, motion.ln_rowid, motion.seq_num, motion._rowid, motion.motion_status as status_desc, motionName, r.title motionTitle, secondName, r2.title secondTitle,
						   motion.motion_text motion_verbiage, c.misc_alpha disp_after_motion
			        FROM minutes_ln_motion motion
			        INNER JOIN minutes ft ON (ft.form_num = motion.form_num)
					LEFT OUTER JOIN minutes_roll AS r ON (r.form_num = motion.form_num AND
														  r.rev_num = motion.rev_num AND
														  r.valid_code = motion.motion_id)
					LEFT OUTER JOIN minutes_roll AS r2 ON (r2.form_num = motion.form_num AND
														  r2.rev_num = motion.rev_num AND
														  r2.valid_code = motion.second_id)
					LEFT OUTER JOIN codes as c ON (c.code_type = 'MinAddl' AND c.valid_code = CAST(ft.meeting_id as varchar))
					WHERE motion._rowid = 485 
motionRow (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
	 				SELECT *
					FROM getmotions
					WHERE ln_rowid = 2549 AND
					      motion_seq = 2 
getMinutesNow (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
					SELECT * from meeting_minutes
					WHERE meeting_minutes._rowid = 1966 
get_Minutes (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			FROM all_minutes
			WHERE ln_rowid = 2550 AND
				  meet_minutes <> ''
			ORDER BY seq_num
get_Motions (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
				SELECT * FROM allMotions
				WHERE allMotions.ln_rowid = 2550 
SortedList (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			SELECT * from sortList
			ORDER BY seqNum
getMinutesNow (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
					SELECT * from meeting_minutes
					WHERE meeting_minutes._rowid = 1967 
get_Minutes (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			FROM all_minutes
			WHERE ln_rowid = 2551 AND
				  meet_minutes <> ''
			ORDER BY seq_num
get_Motions (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
				SELECT * FROM allMotions
				WHERE allMotions.ln_rowid = 2551 
SortedList (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			SELECT * from sortList
			ORDER BY seqNum
getMinutesNow (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
					SELECT * from meeting_minutes
					WHERE meeting_minutes._rowid = 1968 
get_Minutes (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			FROM all_minutes
			WHERE ln_rowid = 2537 AND
				  meet_minutes <> ''
			ORDER BY seq_num
get_Motions (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
				SELECT * FROM allMotions
				WHERE allMotions.ln_rowid = 2537 
SortedList (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			SELECT * from sortList
			ORDER BY seqNum
getMinutesNow (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
					SELECT * from meeting_minutes
					WHERE meeting_minutes._rowid = 1969 
get_Minutes (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=3) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			FROM all_minutes
			WHERE ln_rowid = 2539 AND
				  meet_minutes <> ''
			ORDER BY seq_num
get_Motions (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
				SELECT * FROM allMotions
				WHERE allMotions.ln_rowid = 2539 
SortedList (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=3) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			SELECT * from sortList
			ORDER BY seqNum
getMinutesNow (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
					SELECT * from meeting_minutes
					WHERE meeting_minutes._rowid = 1982 
getMinutesNow (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
					SELECT * from meeting_minutes
					WHERE meeting_minutes._rowid = 1970 
getMinutesNow (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
					SELECT * from meeting_minutes
					WHERE meeting_minutes._rowid = 1971 
get_Minutes (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			FROM all_minutes
			WHERE ln_rowid = 2546 AND
				  meet_minutes <> ''
			ORDER BY seq_num
get_Motions (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
				SELECT * FROM allMotions
				WHERE allMotions.ln_rowid = 2546 
SortedList (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			SELECT * from sortList
			ORDER BY seqNum
getMinutesNow (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
					SELECT * from meeting_minutes
					WHERE meeting_minutes._rowid = 1972 
get_Minutes (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			FROM all_minutes
			WHERE ln_rowid = 2545 AND
				  meet_minutes <> ''
			ORDER BY seq_num
get_Motions (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
				SELECT * FROM allMotions
				WHERE allMotions.ln_rowid = 2545 
SortedList (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			SELECT * from sortList
			ORDER BY seqNum
getMinutesNow (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
					SELECT * from meeting_minutes
					WHERE meeting_minutes._rowid = 1973 
get_Minutes (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			FROM all_minutes
			WHERE ln_rowid = 2548 AND
				  meet_minutes <> ''
			ORDER BY seq_num
get_Motions (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
				SELECT * FROM allMotions
				WHERE allMotions.ln_rowid = 2548 
SortedList (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			SELECT * from sortList
			ORDER BY seqNum
getMinutesNow (Datasource=frsRO, Time=16ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
					SELECT * from meeting_minutes
					WHERE meeting_minutes._rowid = 1974 
get_Minutes (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			FROM all_minutes
			WHERE ln_rowid = 2547 AND
				  meet_minutes <> ''
			ORDER BY seq_num
get_Motions (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
				SELECT * FROM allMotions
				WHERE allMotions.ln_rowid = 2547 
SortedList (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			SELECT * from sortList
			ORDER BY seqNum
getMinutesNow (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
					SELECT * from meeting_minutes
					WHERE meeting_minutes._rowid = 1975 
get_Minutes (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			FROM all_minutes
			WHERE ln_rowid = 2540 AND
				  meet_minutes <> ''
			ORDER BY seq_num
get_Motions (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
				SELECT * FROM allMotions
				WHERE allMotions.ln_rowid = 2540 
SortedList (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			SELECT * from sortList
			ORDER BY seqNum
getMinutesNow (Datasource=frsRO, Time=16ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
					SELECT * from meeting_minutes
					WHERE meeting_minutes._rowid = 1976 
get_Minutes (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			FROM all_minutes
			WHERE ln_rowid = 2552 AND
				  meet_minutes <> ''
			ORDER BY seq_num
get_Motions (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
				SELECT * FROM allMotions
				WHERE allMotions.ln_rowid = 2552 
SortedList (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			SELECT * from sortList
			ORDER BY seqNum
getMinutesNow (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
					SELECT * from meeting_minutes
					WHERE meeting_minutes._rowid = 1977 
get_Minutes (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			FROM all_minutes
			WHERE ln_rowid = 2541 AND
				  meet_minutes <> ''
			ORDER BY seq_num
get_Motions (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
				SELECT * FROM allMotions
				WHERE allMotions.ln_rowid = 2541 
SortedList (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			SELECT * from sortList
			ORDER BY seqNum
getMinutesNow (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
					SELECT * from meeting_minutes
					WHERE meeting_minutes._rowid = 1978 
get_Minutes (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			FROM all_minutes
			WHERE ln_rowid = 2542 AND
				  meet_minutes <> ''
			ORDER BY seq_num
get_Motions (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=0) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
				SELECT * FROM allMotions
				WHERE allMotions.ln_rowid = 2542 
SortedList (Datasource=, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
			SELECT * from sortList
			ORDER BY seqNum
getMinutesNow (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\agpub_min_dsp.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
					SELECT * from meeting_minutes
					WHERE meeting_minutes._rowid = 1979 
Departments (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=17) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\adv_search_selection.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
	SELECT dept_code, dept_desc, obsolete FROM dist_dept ORDER BY dept_desc
sysinfo (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\adv_search_selection.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
	SELECT use_agendaquick, use_minutes, public_verity from fasinfo
count_minutes (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\adv_search_selection.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
		SELECT TOP 1 c.meeting_id
		FROM meetings AS m, minutes AS c
		WHERE c.meeting_id = m.meeting_id
		  AND c.minutes_published = 'Y'
		ORDER BY m.meeting_dt 
count_agendas (Datasource=frsRO, Time=0ms, Records=1) in D:\inetpub\PublicPages\public\publish\adv_search_selection.cfm @ 07:15:54.054
		SELECT TOP 1 c.meeting_id
		FROM meetings AS m, agenda AS c
		WHERE c.meeting_id = m.meeting_id
		  AND c.agenda_published = 'Y'
		ORDER BY m.meeting_dt 

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